Issue 5

daikon* is a zine by and for South East and East Asian people of marginalised genders in the diaspora.
report on kay and bella's trip to japan to attend the debordering conference/exhibition and learn from tokyo based woodblock collective a3bc
We recently had the pleasure of doing two projects with Kanlungan and FDWA, making zines and posters with members of the Filipino community
We are pleased to have been awarded funding from Resourcing Racial Justice, and to announce a new project 'Remember and Resist'.
GUEST POST! The work of resistance and dismantling all systems of oppression is messy. We cannot dispose of people whose lived experiences do not match up to our ideological assumptions and projections.
on resisting the framing of racist attacks as 'hate crimes' and refusing complicity with the police
A scan of the 'Remember the Dead; Justice for the Living' zine, created as part of the Remember the Essex 39 campaign.
We must confront the global systems that lead people to risk dangerous travel, and fight to undo deadly border regimes.
Thirty years ago, a large series of student-led protests in Beijing and Shanghai, which had been growing since the mid-1980s, were suppressed when the government declared martial law and sent in armed troops to disperse the crowds.
A list of resources on the ongoing human rights abuses in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Thank you to everyone who has supported daikon in 2018 – whether that's attending one of our launches, coming to one of our socials, or buying a copy of the magazine, we're so grateful to be able to create and build solidarity with our communities.
Hollywood's Asian cinematic moment of the year had deeply contrasting significances for different parts of the Asian diaspora
A reflection on relocation, self-discovery, and a process of questioning one's gender and racial identity.
Listen back to this panel discussion with photographer Bernice Mulenga, curator Amrita Dhallu, and climate change communicator Angela Chan (Worm).
For daikon's third issue in Autumn 2017, we put an open call on Tumblr for explorations on the theme of gender and sexuality.
We're offering payment for submissions to issue #5 from marginalised and underrepresented perspectives. Read on to find out more.
Watch this film about why daikon* was set up, and think about what it means to practice 'a solidarity of care'. Directed by April Lin.
For daikon* issue #5 we invite you to respond to the theme ‘migration stories’. How do borders and moving across borders shape our lives, identities, and communities?