A brief overview of the UK border regime
Here's a guide to some ways in which immigration is controlled in the UK, and what you can do to resist.

The guide is a double-sided sheet which is intended to be printed out and distributed. Risograph prints are also included with each copy of daikon* #5 Migration. Thanks Rabbits Road Press!
You can download the pdf here.
EDIT: We previously had a typo under the section '1905 Aliens Act', the year 1793 was written as 1973. It's corrected now!
Sources of information for factsheet/insert
* = recommended
History of immigration policies
A summary history of immigration to Britain, Migration Watch*
Edict of Expulsion 1290, British Library
Aliens Act 1793, BBC History
A Voice from the Aliens - pamphlet produced by Jewish trade unions in 1895*
Jewish Immigration and the Aliens Act 1905, Our Migration Story
Race, Class & Borders, by Michael Richmond & Alex Charnley, Base Publication*
History of UK immigration control, Wikipedia
Post-war Windrush immigration, British Library
Detention centres
The evolution of immigration detention in the UK, by Christine Bacon
Private firms are using detained immigrants as cheap labour, The Guardian
Deaths in Immigration Detention, Institute of Race Relations
Immigration Detention Centres Factsheet, Corporate Watch
Charter flights
Facts on Charter Flights Removals/Deportations, Right to Remain
Deportation Charter Flights Report, Corporate Watch*
Justice Blindfolded? The Case of Jimmy Mubenga
The Stansted 15 Follow a Long Tradition of Direct Action in the UK – But They Also Go Beyond It*, By Ewa Jasiewicz, Novara Media*
Immigration Raids:
Understanding Immigration Raids, Anti-Raids Network
Hostile Environment:
Guide to Hostile Environment, Liberty*
Hostile Environment: the hardline Home Office policy tearing families apart, The Guardian
Windrush Generation:
The Children of Windrush, The Guardian
Weaponising Paperwork, by William Davies, London Review of Books
Barriers to Status:
Home Office Nationality and Immigration Charges 2018, Home Office
Family Visas information
Websites for organisations:
SOAS Detainee Support
Anti-Raids Network
Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants
Docs Not Cops
Schools Against Borders for Children
North-East London Migrant Action
Unis Resist Border Controls
End Deportations
Migrant Rights Network
Detained Voices*
Bail for Immigration Detainees
Brighton Migrant Solidarity